Thursday 26 January 2017

Look what's back!

Today we've rebrewed a beer which flew out last time, being a reserve SIBA cask champion medal winner, so with a new year's mission to keep more Waen beers on the list (and ours, obviously) we're cranking up production!

So, we give you Lemon Drizzle... a session beer with a big citrussy, lemony flavour.

Monday 9 January 2017

Happy new beer!

.... to everyone who buys, drinks or otherwise engages with us!

This year, we hope, will turn a solid performance last year into a sustainable business, but that's not easy in the current brewing climate.  There's been a lot of talk on soshul meedya over the last few days about brewers going keg only and suchlike, so this is my take on it and what is wrong with the brewing industry as a whole.... other opinions are available, but these are mine!

As ever, if you disagree (or even agree!) please get in touch, we love to hear from our friends on any of the following; Facebook, Twitter or email.

Cheers, Gazza and Gav